In Memory of our Founder

Despite the profound loss we feel with the passing of our beloved founder, Joan Kayeum, earlier this year, her spirit and legacy continue to inspire us. Joan's unwavering dedication and visionary leadership have been the guiding light of FEDAA since she founded the organization in 2003. Her passion for education and her commitment to empowering young Afghans have left an indelible mark on our organization and the lives of countless individuals.

As we reflect on Joan’s remarkable contributions, we are reminded of the urgency and importance of the work we do because every young Afghan in Afghanistan deserves the chance to reach their full potential. But far too many face barriers which hinder a life full of promise.

Joan was not just a founder; she was a visionary, a leader, and a source of inspiration for all of us. As we consider her life and legacy, we are reminded of the journey that led to the creation of FEDAA. She envisioned a world where “every Afghan is educated to thrive, inspire, and unite” and with unwavering determination, she toiled to turn that vision into a reality.

Born in Chicago to Greek immigrants, Joan Kayeum earned a master’s degree in political science from the University of Chicago and a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University. She met her Afghan husband, Abdul Kayeum, at the University of Chicago, and together they moved to Afghanistan in 1948. Working there as a teacher, Joan was deeply involved in programs to improve the lives of Afghan women. She founded a doll business in Lashkargah giving women hope and means. She walked to Kabul University daily where she taught—unveiled and undaunted—to further the cause of women. At her core, she was a hopeful person which inspired her to imagine and strive for a world that is more just, more equitable, and more inclusive. Fluent in English, Greek, and Farsi, Joan is a prolific author who generously donated all net proceeds from her books to FEDAA. (Joan Kayeum’s Bookshelf)

Today, we come together as a FEDAA community to carry forward FEDAA’s vision and mission while holding dear the lessons Joan Kayeum taught us about compassion, determination, and the boundless potential within each of us. In honoring her legacy, we pledge to continue our work with renewed dedication and purpose, guided by her enduring inspiration.


Bashir Himmat: A Beacon of Promise